Why would a GP, a Psychologist, and an Obstetrician Decide to Run for Senate?

Filed on 21 September 2004 in Speeches category. Print This Page

Because its time to take a stand on things that matter!

Marriage matters.  Family matters.
Having a mother and father matters
All human life matters – from conception to natural end.
You matter.
You did from conception and you will even when you’re old and frail.
Truth and respect and responsibility matter.
Carers matter – as well as the cared for.
The poor matter.
Your health matters – including your emotional and mental health.
Being able to choose the education you want matters.
Getting a job matters.
Belonging matters.
All people matter – from every race, creed, colour, and country.

These are issues on which we stand firm.
Real values for real people who have been silent too long.

Its time to take a stand!

Our call to Australia is to Choose Life: to uphold the intrinsic value of human life from fertilisation to its natural end.  This expresses what it means to be created in the Image of God and what it means to be human.  It is even more foundational than the introductory articles of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights: All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights& everyone has the right to life, liberty and security of person.

All human life is of value.  To value people is to respect them, to aid their freedom, and to care for them at times of vulnerability.

Are our children of value?  Yes – then we must encourage and facilitate traditional marriage and family believing that all children should have a father and a mother.  Access to education of parental choice is important as is the need to protect our children from sexual exploitation and abuse.

Are unborn babies of value?  Yes – and it is a huge tragedy that we abort 100,000 of them a year in the name of family planning.  This is compounded by the fact that it is Medicare funded at a time when funds for immunisation are limited and our mental health resources are severely strained.

Are the frail elderly and the disadvantaged of value?  Yes – ideally within the family and so carers need to be supported so that the much greater costly option of institutional care is avoided.  Euthanasia must be opposed so that our elderly feel secure and valued when seeking medical attention and not feel as if they have an obligation to die.

We want to preserve a voice for these and similar values in line with what we consider to be Natural Law and set in place by Almighty God.  We also believe, that when we insist that human laws line up with Natural Law, we are not ‘imposing religion’.

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