We are at war (2). Right now.
We are at war (2). Right now.
“against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil” Eph 6:12
We are under attack for what we believe, to speak what we believe and to teach it to our children.
Last evening I was privileged to be present at the Perth book launch of Dr David van Gend’s book Stealing from a Child: the Injustice of ‘Marriage Equality. Its truth needs telling to all.
Please PRAY for the wide propagation of this comprehensive – but easy to read if you just want a broad outline – telling of the truth of homosexual “marriage”, its consequences to society, to the church, but most of all to our children of the future.
Dr van Gend likens part of the battle we face to Babushka dolls where the
“smallest and central doll is ‘marriage equality’ which mutates the fundamental unit of society – father, mother and child. That Babushka becomes the core of the larger doll of ‘gender theory’ which subverts the truth of male and female… and sexual right and wrong. With that the largest doll – the ‘total state’ – can engulf and consume its only rival structure of authority: the natural family.” (Page 145 of book.)
Then we will have not only destroyed the family but the family’s influence on our children. The state will then control what we teach – even in our homes – and what we are able to do and say wherever this pertains to the fundamental Creation facts of masculinity and femininity and male and female as the foundation of families and children with mothers and fathers.
Once again we need to know and to inform. We need to “understand the times”, like the men of Issachar, who “knew what to do” (1 Chronicles 12:32).
It is topical in our community. Talk about it. The people of Australia need to know. And it needs to be told from our pulpits. The Creation account needs to be told and taught again and again.
And if we know we will share in the grief for our city and our nation (Ezekiel 9:4).
Please uphold David van Gend in your prayers, the printing and distribution of the book, and for others on the frontline of the present battle. Labor will announce next week whether it will support the plebiscite (see the ACL prayer request). If there is to be no plebiscite – scheduled for Feb 2017 – then there will almost certainly be immediate and ongoing pressure for a parliamentary vote.
Please pray that God will give us time to tell the truth and for the success of this book in telling that truth.
Lachlan Dunjey 8 October 2016.