The Creation Mandate. Issues of Rebellion against God’s Created Order.
The Creation Mandate. Issues of Rebellion against God’s Created Order.
Man created in the Image of God “let us make man in our image”
All human life has intrinsic value in all states of dependence and disability from fertilisation to life’s natural end.
It is attacked through: abortion; euthanasia; physician assisted suicide; destructive embryo research; embryo de-selection and eugenics including sex selection and Down Syndrome genocide; babies accidentally born alive after abortion procedure and left to die; after-birth abortion; cloning, chimeras and cyborgs.
Ultimately to control all reproductive and life processes, to create life and design it according to our own wishes, “cleansing” the human race for the future and in the meantime eliminating all that is deemed less than perfect.
Personal autonomy to the exclusion of any God influence. Eden and the Tower of Babel revisited. To be free of the Creator God, to render Him unnecessary and be our own gods. We will be in control of our own lives and will choose how and when to die and choose the same for others.
Terrorism. Not putting the same value on human life, eliminating whole communities by conquest and genocidal killing with Christians as prime targets.
Further pushed: by the atheistic lobby and “God-haters”; atheistic or naïve genetic experimenters; leftist social engineers.
Remember: permission becomes compulsion. Apart from the destruction of social order also at threat is liberty of conscience and discrimination in employment.
The creation of Masculinity and Femininity (“bone of my bones, flesh of my flesh”)
So much more than physical intercourse but nevertheless includes the Creation Mandate to “Be fruitful and multiply”.
It is attacked through: gender fluidity and transgenders; be whatever sex you like – you are in charge of your destiny – you are your own god. The rebellion against God’s design of “natural” intercourse.
Pushed by: the gay lobby, leftist social engineers and the PC brigade
Remember: permission becomes compulsion. Apart from the destruction of social order also at threat is liberty of speech, of belief and to teach our children. Further specific attacks through public education e.g. Safe Schools Coalition Australia, “Respectful Relationships” and now re-badged yet again as “Inclusive Education WA” encouraging to declare sexual preferences early leading to identity confusion and also experimentation in sexuality.
Loss of liberty to speak about the dangers of these lifestyles and discrimination in employment and business.
Marriage as a specific subset of sexuality and a Creation Mandate; “one flesh”; “for this reason shall a man cleave to his wife”
It is attacked through: the destruction of marriage as an institution, pushing “marriage” and “family” as we choose and then discarding it as a useless concept with complete sexual freedom.
The decline of the West is achieved by intrinsic moral decay and by declining birth rate to demographic winter
Pushed by: the gay lobby, leftist social engineers and PC brigade
Remember: permission becomes compulsion. Apart from the destruction of social order also at threat is liberty of speech, of belief and to teach our children, even around the kitchen table. Loss of liberty to speak about the dangers to society and discrimination in employment and business ultimately also threatening parenthood and, in particular, Christian parenthood. The attacks are unprecedented.
Stewards of Creation – animal kingdom and the earth – bring order, subdue, care for, work. Inclusive of a Sabbath rest – and God saw that it was good, and rested.
It is attacked through: failure and neglect leading to ecological disaster; mis-directed economics with chemical or radio-nuclear contamination and de-forestation; deliberate destruction through war with possibility of nuclear disaster.
We ignore the principle of a Sabbath rest to our peril.
Therefore, you kings, be wise; be warned, you rulers of the earth. Serve the LORD with fear and celebrate his rule with trembling.
Psalm 2:10 NIV.
The Fear-of-God builds up confidence, and makes a world safe for your children.
Proverbs 14:26 The Message
December 2020 from 8 May 2019