In Honour of Peter Kentley

Filed on 16 February 2020 in Food For Thought category. Print This Page

Peter Kentley went to be with his Lord and Master last week Feb 11, 2020. A great loss to the ekklesia as Peter referred to the people and significance of lay ministry.

Visionary, communicator, connector, facilitator and motivator. Founder of with a Confluence of Church and Marketplace Streams .

He listed 10 domains – an expansion of 7 Mountains of influence. With increased clarity and significance of various domains within those mountains perhaps more suited to our times since Mountains (from 1975) but they can complement each other

Has Christian Federation done its work? It has certainly been of significance in making connections and facilitating ministries. And leading back into our churches with equipping ministries and prayer commitment.

Even if it has done the work for which it was intended – and it would seem that only a Peter Kentley could have done that – it should at least remain as a connecting point that did not exist before.

Maybe there’s more. Lord God, we thank You for Peter and commit this ministry to You.

If you don’t know Peter here is a good intro

PS since writing this today I have learned that others are going to continue Christian Federation with a great photo of Peter.  Thanks Bill and thanks Graham for that info.

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