Grief for our world. Afghanistan.

Filed on 20 August 2021 in Food For Thought category. Print This Page

Grief for our world. Afghanistan.

“…taking on not just our own sufferings but those of God in the world, watching with Christ in Gethsemane.” Dietrich Bonhoeffer shortly before his execution

Our grief and fear for our world – fires, floods, earthquakes and the coronavirus pandemic; Kabul and the Afghan people and the decline of the West; persecution in Myanmar, Nigeria, China and elsewhere and the threat of China economically and its aggressive expansionism – should shock us all

(and exceed any grief/anguish we might feel for ourselves and our own circumstances)

and lead us to acknowledge God and humble ourselves before Him

yet STILL we destroy ourselves from within with our rebellion against God and His creation, the planting of the Imago Dei within us, the creation of male and female, the institution of marriage and family – building our own Tower of Babel to usurp God from His throne –

and STILL we rebel and pass laws to legalise the killing of our unborn babies for any reason at any time by any method, to permit euthanasia, to approve marriage outside of God’s divine plan, to approve and facilitate children transgendering – and even to criminalise counselling to find out why they might be feeling this way –

and STILL we fragment as Christians and cannot unite on these crucial issues to honour God

and those who stand on God’s word and His righteousness are marginalised and silenced

we crumble within, we are at threat from without and we are asleep at the wheel

Lord God of the narrow gate please awaken Your people and help us – by Your grace – to be resolute in avoiding the trivia that this world honours and to be desperate in following and loving You as our Lord, and Lord of this universe.

And Lord God, rich in mercy and slow to anger, we commit Afghanistan to you.

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