2017/2018 Mourning into Dancing

Filed on 03 January 2018 in Food For Thought category. Print This Page

2017/2018 Mourning into Dancing

2017 – A Year of Shame – a Failure to Protect

The Royal Commission into Sexual Abuse has correctly condemned sections of the institutionalised church for its failure to protect. As God’s people we have failed to protect. And as a country we are also now guilty.

Shame on all who sin against the weak and powerless.

Shame on all committing sin against children.

Shame on those who in order to maintain “respectability” cover up the sins of others.

Shame on all those who failed to protect.

Shame on all those who failed to warn.

Shame on all those who failed to warn of the consequences of proposed legislation – not only failing to protect but failing to prevent the facilitation of evil to children.

Shame on all those who did not love their neighbour sufficiently to warn that their children were at risk.

Shame on pastors who failed to warn of the danger and thereby failed to protect.

Shame on all those who voted for the party that was determined to bring in same-sex “marriage” and “safe-schools programs”.

Shame on all those who voted “yes”.

Shame on all MPs who encouraged and voted for SSM regardless of the consequences.

Shame on our PM who celebrated on the floor of the Legislative Assembly.

Logic and rational argument were thrown in the bin. In fact, it wasn’t even listened to but just labelled “hate speech” and discrimination. History was likewise trashed as was biology – the elephant in the room – and, of course, any religious basis for marriage as between male and female.

It was the ninth month and the king was sitting in the winter apartment, with a fire burning in the firepot in front of him.  Whenever Jehudi had read three or four columns of the scroll, the king cut them off with a scribe’s knife and threw them into the firepot, until the entire scroll was burned in the fire.  The king and all his attendants who heard all these words showed no fear, nor did they tear their clothes.  Jer 36:22-24

In just a few verses we get a glimpse of complacency, arrogance, ignorance and contempt for the message of God that so characterises some people of any generation.  There is no humility, no respect, no remorse, no fear, and no shame.

By conferring “respectability” to the very small number of homosexual couples – who already had equality in legal matters – by granting them the rite of “marriage” and thereby making them feel “comfortable” in our communities we have given governmental approval of homosexual behaviour with its known health consequences (far outstripping the “feeling better” factor), together with all the other known consequences to a new stolen generation of children deprived of either a mother or a father and the threat to freedom of speech, of belief, of conscience and of belief in action.

By allowing also of transgender “marriage” and thereby approval of transgender lifestyle we have therefore given impetus to the various evils of the safe-schools program including premature sexualisation, encouragement to determine one’s own sexual orientation through “two virginities”, and exploring of gender identity.

As God’s people we failed to protect.

As God’s people we failed to protect our young. We failed to protect against our “little ones being led into sin”.

And with the legalising of physician assisted suicide in Victoria we failed to protect our vulnerable waiting to die. OK, it was a well-written bill in many respects, but we have still opened the door to being a society that accepts the principle of euthanasia – a fundamental rejection of the doctor as healer.

But in the midst of failure we had a notable “success” – we now have a God’s army of dedicated, prayerful people from all walks of life with multiple magnificent skills and experience.

The prayer backing for the “no” vote was unprecedented.

Thankyou to all those heroes who gave their time and skills and passion, who put their lives on hold to work against these evils, who endured abuse and accusation and hate speech, whose speaking engagements and venues had to be cancelled. The denial of free speech and democratic voice was so evident.

Thank you to all those who continuously and passionately prayed.

The inter-church cooperation of the 1959 Billy Graham Crusades in Australia was so good, but this has now been eclipsed and involved so much of para-church organisations, of ordinary people and brave mothers concerned for the future of their children.

Thankyou Lord for this holy army.

Dear Lord God, please continue to protect all these, sustain and heal – for Your Glory Lord.

Is God in charge? Of course. Can we go on? In God’s strength, of course we can. Can we still rejoice? Absolutely. Even when the “fig tree does not blossom… yet will I rejoice in the Lord… God the Lord is my strength.”

2018 – A Year of Celebration

Now it is time to celebrate. We have an army humble before God and ready. Thank you, Lord.

It is time to celebrate God. It is time to celebrate and honour God’s creation, to honour and celebrate His creation of Male and Female, of Masculinity and Femininity, the institution of marriage and its unique complementarity, of family and the privilege – for now – of Godly instruction of our children.

It is time to celebrate who we are in Christ. We have just celebrated Christmas and once again have been amazed at the wonder and majesty of the greatest story ever told. We celebrate Jesus, who for the “joy set before him endured the cross, scorning its shame and sat down at the right hand of the throne of the Father”.

It is time to celebrate Christian marriage and hold it up as an institution to be honoured and sought as Rev Campbell Markham has said

In time we will see again what today we despise. In time God’s gift of marriage will once again arise in the collective heart of our nation, to be respected and enjoyed for the incalculable treasure that it is.

For this bright distant dawn all Christians will work and pray.

Let us declare who we are without fear. In our relationships in society may we be unafraid in upholding our liberty to believe, the honour and value of marriage and family as God gave it and the innate value of all human life as created in the Image of God – all of which are expressed so well in the Canberra Declaration.

As a people of God may it be seen and heard that “the shout of the King” is among us. (Num 23:21).

Yes, after the setbacks of 2017 we can hold our heads high as Christians and seek to restore Christian marriage to its natural, God-given, ascendancy. We have an army. We need to continue along the pathway of revival as a passionate people with a strong presence in the public square giving glory to the King of Kings, “we are Christian, we follow Jesus, King of Kings and Lord of Lords”, exalting His Name above every Name.

Lachlan Dunjey. 3 January 2018.

You need more detail as to how we failed to protect? See

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