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Choose Life Australia Some call me passionate – I suppose I am. What do I want? A safe place for our children here now and in the future. I want to hold high the intrinsic value of all human life in all states of dependency. I want to defend liberty of conscience, freedom of speech and I want to see ethical government. I want to see truth honoured and spoken. There’s more but that’ll do…

2025 New Year’s Day Sunrise Prayer Success Hill on the Swan

Celebrate and Dedicate 2025 New Year’s Day Sunrise Prayer Success Hill on the Swan

Wednesday Jan 1, 5.00 – 5.45am Success Hill Reserve, 7th Ave, Bassendean, Western Australia, Sunrise 5.14 am.

Any queries contact Lachlan Dunjey 0407 937 513 liznlach@ozemail.com.au  David Kingston 0412 089 884

Also see http://www.sunriseprayerrelay.com/

All are welcome but you may have a closer venue where you have been before (but if not, why not make it happen). Join us in spirit WHEREVER YOU ARE for praise, worship and dedication. Come to the top of the hill if you can (5’ walk) and overlook the river and the Darling Range. Facilities: Toilets, Playground, Barbecues.

Join us in celebration and dedication. Celebrate the freedom we still have in this nation and pray earnestly for the future that we will continue to have this freedom and be able to uphold and teach Christian truth in our homes (yes, even “around the kitchen table”), in our Christian schools, in our churches and in public.

Dedication for the year, for ourselves, our families, our churches and ministries, our communities, our nation, our governments, our Prime Minister, our suffering brothers and sisters here and elsewhere, Ukraine, the Middle East, the peace of Jerusalem, our world.

For young families. If you aren’t camping elsewhere then come and maybe have a picnic breakfast down on the pier on the banks of the Swan. We have had up to 24 attending from 5 different churches representing 5 denominations. But average age was 60+.

And to all those fun-loving people who celebrated the night before and saw in the New Year and who ALSO (hopefully) dedicated the New Year to God why not ALSO for this super special occasion get up 4 hrs later for a SUNRISE DEDICATION? You can do it! Good soldiers for Jesus Christ for our day and for our nation can do it!! Come on young, and young at heart, you can do it!

At sunrise it is suggested we join in saying The Lord’s Prayer followed by quiet singing of The Lord’s Prayer – the Millennium version to tune of Auld Lang Syne.

You may choose to read a Psalm of praise or dedication

Parking is in a car park through the main entry but there is roadside parking along 7th Ave further to the North alongside the reserve. You probably should be parking the car around 4.45am. Let’s just make sure we are not too noisy for the sake of the neighbours.

The Lord’s Prayer – Matthew 6:9-13

“Our Father in heaven, hallowed be Your name. Your kingdom come. Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our sins, as we forgive those who sin against us. Lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from the evil. For Yours is the kingdom and the power and the glory, forever and ever. Amen.”

Heritage of Success Hill

Known as traditional Noongar land and an important meeting place. To Noongar people this side of the Swan is known as Yellagonga’s country. Captain James Stirling explored this area in 1827, 2 yrs before the founding of the colony. We acknowledge the Noongar heritage and are grateful to use this area to dedicate the Year.



Praise and thanks.

Praise for release of Dr Ken Elliott from captivity in Africa January 2016 to May 2023, now back in Perth, West Australia.

For God to be glorified in our lives, our families, in our marriages, the Bride of Christ, our communities and our nation.

For people turning to You, for repentance in crisis, pandemic, drought, fire, flood, storms. For spiritual renewal.

For leaders: church, community, national, international.

Christians on the frontline of the ethical and moral challenges. Christians in Australia under attack.

For lies to be exposed; Satan’s strategies to be exposed and self-destruct.

For specific battles: freedom of speech and belief even “around the kitchen table”, our schools; sexuality issues including transgenders and criminalisation of counselling and prayer and families torn apart; euthanasia and abortion.

The suffering church. The suffering world. The Middle east, Ukraine, Africa.


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