The Doctor as Guardian of Community Health. The obligation to be a Voice and the right to engage in rational debate (1).

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The Doctor as Guardian of Community Health. The obligation to be a Voice and the right to engage in rational debate (1).

The Medical Profession has a long history of being the guardian not only of ethical matters regarding medicine but also where medical matters impact on the community and community health. This is as true – if not more true – in our time.

The guardian role entails being alert to current trends, education and dissemination of accurate information, and challenging of trends and dangers when necessary.

Such education can be one-to-one in the consulting room in the best traditions of the medical profession and also as a public voice when the issue involves the wider community – obvious examples being cigarettes and alcohol.

This philosophy is expressed in the article below from Luke’s Journal Vol.16 No.3 December 2011

What is the role of the doctor in community?

Within his or her chosen field of medicine wherever that happens to be geographically it is to be the best, service with humility.

Within the medical profession it is to be aware of the threats to the future of medicine especially in ethical standards and the doctor-patient relationship with active involvement depending on the opportunity.

Within the community I believe there is a place to demonstrate excellence for the good of society. This includes promotion of physical and mental health in all its aspects, healthy families, helping the disadvantaged, and promoting a global consciousness with respect to all who are at risk or disadvantaged.

But there’s more. It is also to be a voice to warn when the health of family and community is at risk and to engage in such action as is necessary to counter those risks. It is to educate re issues that shape our future, the responsibility we all have in voting, and understanding political party policies and agendas. All this undergirded by an awareness that some politicians elected with fixed ideas and agendas are not amenable to reason and hence must be voted out.

And in this excerpt from The Heart of Medicine also from Luke’s Journal

To seek, and to speak for, the future of medicine especially in ethical standards and the doctor-patient relationship, being aware of the lessons of history, with active engagement depending on the opportunity. Understanding that it is not enough to evaluate medical or surgical options while ignoring the merits of the purpose for which those techniques are being discussed. Understanding also that there will be ethical divides when it becomes essential for medicine to be decisive and authoritative, when there is no neutral.

To promote physical and mental health in community, helping the disadvantaged, and promoting a global consciousness with respect to all who are at risk. It is also to warn of risk to health of family and community and to engage in such action as is necessary to counter those risks both within Medicine and in Government.

There may be times when “such action” necessarily includes the media, or representations to parliament or even to seek election. It may on occasions be different to the main view expressed by the medical profession and so the following maxim applies – also from The Heart of Medicine

Collegiality and loyalty – but not at the expense of truth.

Freedom to debate and educate on contentious matters via the media of the time is essential in every age. If this freedom is suppressed by the main media and manipulative/coercive organisations then the use of alternative media including social networking may be necessary. Yes, collegiality and loyalty – but not at the expense of truth.

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