49,000 Missing Children – A Terrible Silence for Mother’s Day
“Mother’s day is so special” said Dr Lachlan Dunjey, Senate candidate for the Christian Democratic Party, “a time to honour, celebrate, have fun, a happy time. A time to remember, dig out old photos, sometimes to cry and express a regret or two with someone who cares. A time to send messages by snail or satellite. A time to dream and a time to regret the dreams that were spilt. A time to let go of accusation. Ideally, a time of healing.”
And he reminded us that we can all share the emotions, laughing with those who laugh and weeping with those who weep.
“But there’s a terrible silence from the 49,000 children who have gone missing in WA for ‘family planning’ reasons since the 1998 ‘murder of the innocents’ legislation,” Dr Dunjey added. “This is not a time for accusation – yes, some of the mothers of those children will have taken the action of killing their child under duress and with agony of spirit in the full knowledge of what they were doing.”
“Let all of us who have a soul weep – weep for the missing children, weep for the mothers who may later regret and remember their birthdays with irreconcilable sadness, weep for those who ached to adopt them, weep for our society that has allowed this abuse in the name of freedom.”
Yes, let us remember and weep.
Authorised by Gerard Goiran, 7 Matthew Way Thornlie
For further comment: Dr Lachlan Dunjey, mobile 0407 937 513