2020 Vision: a look at why and what we must now do in 2012 part 2

Read Full Article Filed on 17 March 2012

There always was and always will be a spiritual battle going on until Christ comes. For now, in Australia, it seems to be more intense and I have sought to illustrate this intensity today. We have highlighted attitudes: being awake, to have an appropriate and continung sense of grief – mixed with joy, how to vote, and to be desperate in our personal relationship with God. Finally, with a call to be involved in this battle through prayer and to be prepared for the attacks that inevitably follow.

Understanding the Times – like the Men of Issachar

Read Full Article Filed on 26 June 2010

What is it that we don’t get? What is it that stops us from calling it evil? What is it that makes people continue to vote for the people who promote or condone this evil? When will people speak up? Will we be like the Israelites who remained silent in the face of Elijah’s challenge or will the mighty men and women of God condemn this evil and those who promote it? And if not now, then when? How much worse does it have to get? And will we then still have the freedom to condemn?