In the Image of God

Filed on 28 July 2012 in Food For Thought category. Print This Page

In the Image of God

Reflections on the Opening Ceremony 2012 Olympics

Yes, it was all there – the creativity, love, community spirit, the inspiration of song and music, international cooperation, national spirit recovering from tragedy, engineering, ingenuity, seemingly faultless programming and coordination, the emphasis on fair play and sportsmanship, the honour and excitement and sheer joy of being there in a spirit of freedom, the honour of being human.

Yes, it is a great honour and privilege to be human.

We share that honour with the Son of God who came in our likeness.

To be created in God’s Image with all that means, to share that with others, to see it in others – even just a little peek – is such a privilege and joy. And yes, it means all peoples and races and tribes and tongues. And yes, it means in all states of disability and dependency. And yes, it means from the beginning of life to its natural conclusion. And yes, it means that a new-born baby is worth more than a pig. And yes, it means that a babe in the womb also has that Image even though we cannot yet see its evidences.

And as we get excited by the Olympic spirit let us also get excited by the display of what it means to be human as evidenced by that spirit and what it means to be created in the Imago Dei.

And yes, let us get excited and motivated defending what it means to be human in the alienated and our most vulnerable, for all at risk, and renew our efforts for the unborn, for life itself.


Advance Notice: The National Day of Prayer and Fasting for 2013 will have the theme of LIFE and will take place on Sunday 10th Feb 2013. This will also herald the 40 Days of Life from Wednesday 13th Feb – Sunday 24th March 2013.

Today also happened to be the occasion of an international webcast on 40 Days of Life. David Bereit on that webcast, a founder of ’40 Days for Life’, will be in Australia August and September. See

Lachlan Dunjey. 28 July 2012.

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One Response to “In the Image of God”

  1. cherie clarke 3 August 2012 at 5:14 pm Permalink

    we need to value the unborn child who cannnot defend itself, thats why God gave us the response to keep and hold fast to life,’save the animals they say’. But what do they say about our next generation. Children are a blessing from God.
