EVENT: Supreme Court Gardens this Saturday 26th May 2018, 6.30 – 8pm
EVENT: Supreme Court Gardens (Perth) this Saturday 26th May 2018, 6.30 – 8pm.
WHY? It is 20 years since the 1998 abortion legislation in WA during which time 165,000 Western Australian babies have been killed with state sanction.
3,300 white crosses, each representing 50 children, will be displayed in the form of a giant cross in the Gardens from this Friday.
THEME: “Love Them Both”.
INCLUDED is a commemorative service. Red roses will be available to place beside crosses.
Feel free to bring your own picnic tea from 5pm and to engage in prayer after.
We had about 1500 people at the 2017 rally at Parliament House – let’s see if we can double that number at this very significant anniversary.
Dear Friends, it is time – as never before – to STAND FOR TRUTH. In this instance we are standing for the truth of God’s Creation, that every human life is created in God’s Image, with innate dignity and worth from conception till life’s natural end, in all states of dependency and disability.
This is a time to both COMMEMORATE the tragedy of abortion and CELEBRATE God’s Truth, unafraid in upholding our liberty to believe and declare the value of all human life.
As a people of God standing together may it be seen and heard that “the shout of the King” is among us (Num 23:21 NIV).
See you there!