2016 a year of decision that will shape our future [3] so let us pray as never before
2016 a year of decision that will shape our future [3] so let us pray as never before
For Christian eyes.
What is at stake? Our liberty to believe, to speak what we believe, and to teach it to our children.
We are facing in the coming election the most critical choices between good and evil that we have faced since Federation.
So your response to this challenge is that the most important thing to do against countering the enemy is to pray – far more important than how we fight at this level?
Amen! Absolutely, Amen.
Read Ephesians 6 again re the necessity to stand. And put on the Armour of God.
And so let us do exactly that – as never before. With great humility and an attitude of repentance (whether or not we think we have need of which to repent) let us pray individually, as families, in the groups with which we connect, in our Sunday services and in special times of corporate prayer and even fasting.
Yes, let’s come together for worship and prayer as never before.
Jesus + nothing? Yes, I agree that salvation is through Jesus alone – no good works or self-righteousness. But, Jesus upheld the second commandment and the responsibility for us to rescue and warn.
And He condemned the hypocrisy of the religious rulers
And He condemned those who would lead little ones into sin – and by extension – for supporting those leading little ones into sin.
James: faith without works is dead.
One of the key messages given to the Angels of the churches at Pergamum and Thyatira was the failure to condemn tolerance of evil. By contrast, the Church at Ephesus – even though it had lost its first love – was commended for not tolerating evil. Will we support and tolerate evil by being silent in such a time as this, and by our support of evil in the way we vote this election?
And let’s not lose our first love either. So must we pray.