update re medical ethics activity
Dear Friend of Choose Life Australia
I have been a bit slow in bringing you up-to-date with some of the activity on http://medicinewithmorality.org.au/
Please see the last 5 submissions http://medicinewithmorality.org.au/letters-and-submissions/ and in particular the End-of-Life Choices to Vic and WA and the submission on Religious Freedom.
Please also go to Evidence by Dr Lachlan Dunjey (General Practitoner, Convenor, Medicine with Morality) on 02/03/2018 for the transcript and video appearing before the Joint Select Committee (you can skim through the transcript quicker than the video!).
For full list of presentations go to http://www.parliament.wa.gov.au/Parliament/commit.nsf/(InqByName)/Inquiry+into+the+need+for+laws+in+Western+Australia+to+allow+citizens+to+make+informed+decisions+regarding+their+own+end+of+life+choices?opendocument
– in particular by Prof Doug Bridge Evidence by Professor Douglas Bridge (Senior Palliative Care Specialist, UWA Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences; WA Country Health Service; Royal Perth Hospital) on 09/03/2018
You may like to look at the video from the 2 minute mark to 3’40” where I talk about my mother’s death My voice was very bad that day.