For such a time as this – we need you!
For such a time as this – we need you! This coming Sunday.
I watched a movie last night (very unusual but I needed some time out). It was the story of Esther. Not one I would bother watching again but it sheathed home the message “for such a time as this”.
Please come to the Marriage Rally this coming Sunday in your capital city (in WA west end of Langley Park 2pm). See for detail and map.
This rally has been some months in the planning but the timing could not have been more perfect regarding a show of support for traditional marriage after the Liberal leadership spill last night (Monday 14).
We need to show the new PM Mr Malcolm Turnbull – and others who might change their minds on a conscience vote – that the majority of Australians believe in marriage and family and children need mothers and fathers.
The pressure from the Marriage “Equality” faction and MPs from all parties will be on again to call for a conscience vote – as I read on a notice board in Sydney last week outside a Uniting Church “Marriage Equality – get it done”.
We need – as never before – to stand for God’s creation ordinance of male and female.
We need to be seen.
We need to be seen to stand for God. For the Honour and Glory of God.
It is a time to be counted and to stand.
We need to be there.
And it is time to pray. See attached on Ephesians 6 – to stand.
See re “This attack on Creation order is a defiance against God as Creator and Designer… (a) new rebellion to “be our own gods”…
Lachlan Dunjey 15 Sept 2015.