By What Authority (3)? What can we do??
By What Authority (3)? What can we do??
We can meet THIS SATURDAY with others right across Australia from 10am to 4pm to pray for Australia.
What can we do when careful, rational argument is not enough including consequences to society if a program is pushed through? Yes, you know the answer to that and it is that there is a higher battle going on “against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms” as in Ephesians 6.
I hope you’ve been able to watch/hear the inspiring talk by Rear Admiral Barry Black, Chaplain to US Senate at National Prayer Breakfast 2 February. It is well worth the 26 minute time investment. See
Black talked about a deep and needed power that comes along with prayer “making our voices heard in heaven.” “When I see a group of people of faith of this size I get an adrenaline rush, because I know that where two or three are gathered together in his name, he is there in the midst… I also believe that when we pray, humanity cooperates with divinity.”
“making our voices heard in heaven… humanity cooperates with divinity”
From A “needs to know”. Safe Schools. regarding the content of the Safe Schools indoctrination program:
There are times when the “needs to know” outweighs the distress of knowing. If the danger is great then it must also be known by children even if the ticket is not given until it is “time to board the train” (Corrie ten Boom’s father to Corrie in Nazi Germany).
(But) For some the burden is too great and we or they only need a little information – enough to pray for strength and protection for the people involved and to engage in sustained prayer to the Lord God of the angel armies. For some it is enough to know that persecution of our brothers and sisters elsewhere is continuing and that it is “bad” without knowing specific detail. There is no such thing as a “weak” prayer by a “weak” person who is committed to prayer at any time of day or night. I thank God for such prayers.
When things are bad, we need concerted prayer by people together to “storm the gates of Heaven”
And so, this Saturday let’s pray for Australia . Look under “Locations” for the open site near you across Australia. For you Perthites Morley Baptist 33 Hanwell Way Bassendean is also an “open” venue 10am-4pm this Saturday 25 February. But wherever you are and however busy and without overlooking the person in front of you be with us in spirit as we make our voices (your voices) heard in heaven.